Sammy's Cleaning Services
Sammy's Cleaning Services


Let us meet your cleaning needs!

Living Room
Living Room
All surfaces cleaned/dusted
All accessible floors vacuumed and cleaned
Cobwebs removed
Picture frames dusted
Mirrors cleaned
Sofas vacuumed
Window sills and ledges dusted
Lampshades dusted
General dusting

Counter tops cleaned
Extractor fan cleaned
Hob cleaned
Top and front of appliances cleaned
Sinks cleaned, disinfected and chrome polished
Mirrors and chrome fixtures cleaned and polished
Floors vacuumed and washed
Cobwebs removed
Bins changed
Microwave and fridge disinfected and wiped out
General dusting

All surfaces damp cloth dusted
Stairs vacuumed
All readily accessible floors vacuumed
Floors moped
Cobwebs removed
Picture frames dusted
Mirrors cleaned
Window sills and ledges dusted
Lampshades dusted
General dusting
Bed linen changed

Tile, walls, bathtubs and showers cleaned and disinfected
Shower doors cleaned and disinfected
Vanity and sink cleaned and disinfected
Toilets cleaned and disinfected
Mirrors and chrome fixtures cleaned and polished
Floors vacuumed and cleaned
Bins changed